New comprehensive Advisory Service for Property Owners

Owning a real estate property is a big responsibility. To protect your rights as an owner, your property must meet all current legal and technical requirements. To give you the peace of mind that your real estate property does meet these requirements and is fully protected legally — both now and in the event of any change in the law — Tarraco Iuris law firm would like to offer you its comprehensive advisory service for property owners.

Based in Tarragona, our specialist team of lawyers and technical experts are ready to handle all your properly-related legal and administrative needs, including the handling of any mediation process and other procedures and the drafting and lodging of documents for the Spanish authorities (local councils, provincial and regional governments, the cadastral register, the Land Registry, notaries public, the courts, etc.) or any third parties (adjoining property owners, neighbour associations, the community of owners, entities involved in expropriation processes, etc.).
To legally protect your property in Spain, we offer a complete range of technical and legal services that includes:

1. Helping you obtain a NIE (foreigner ID number required for tax purposes in Spain).
2. Drafting all property-related contracts, including preliminary, option-to-buy, purchase and sale, and lease agreements.
3. Verifying property charges with the Land Registry.
4. Verifying property zoning with the local council.
5. Verifying any debts owed by the seller to the Community of Owners.
6. Verifying that all tax due on a property has been paid (municipal property tax, tax on income from real estate property, etc.) and drafting and presenting any corresponding tax declarations.
7. Providing an estimate of taxes and expenses so you can budget for the cost of transferring a real estate property.
8. Verifying the applicable marital or inheritance law and advising you on the legal conditions for purchasing or transferring a property.
9. Drafting title deeds for executing property transactions.
10. Accompanying you to sign title deeds and any other notarial instruments, acting as advisers and/or translators.
11. Assisting your negotiations with the bank for using the property as loan security.
12. Registering title deeds with the Land Registry.
13. Informing the local council of a change of ownership for the purposes of local taxes and fees.
14. For sales by non-residents, preparing and presenting declarations on tax withheld for Spanish income tax and handling the collection of any refund.
15. Preparing/lodging applications for:
    a. Certificate of occupancy and energy efficiency certificate.
    b. Building technical assessment report.
    c. Certificate of structural soundness and certification of construction age.
16. Plans and topographical surveys.
17. Undertaking boundary demarcation and mediating in conflicts with neighbours.
18. Undertaking historical investigations on properties and updating the cadastral record for divided or joined plots.
19. Advising you on:
    a. Utility connection and the possible use of wells and springs.
    b. New construction, reform or landscaping projects.
    c. Business projects.
    d. Road and path refurbishment.
    e. Land and building assessment.

Are you sure that your property does not run any legal risk?

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Please contact us for any service you require that is not listed.

Carlos Prieto Cid – Your legal adviser in Spain

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The advanced healthcare directive: help your family make the decisions you would want

If you become incapacitated, your loved ones may have to decide what medical treatment you should get and whether to turn off life-support. You can make these decisions easier for them by leaving an advanced healthcare directive, also known as a living will.

Who will decide for you if you become incapacitated owing to illness or injury? You can sign a document before a notary or witnesses that designates who will make decisions on your behalf and talk with the healthcare professionals who carry out these decisions. You can also state the personal criteria that should be taken into account for making these decisions, when, owing to your physical or mental state, you cannot directly express you will.

These personal criteria can refer to, for instance, your wishes regarding life quality in terms of your level of pain tolerance or functional independence. You can also specify where you want to spend your last days and in what health situations the personal criteria apply (dementia, irreversible illness, etc.).

Once you’ve specified who decides for you, the decision-making criteria, and when and why decisions should be made, you can give instructions on the health procedures you want carried out. For instance, you can request that your life not be uselessly prolonged by artificial means. In your living will, you can also state if you want spiritual care in your last moments and if you want to donate your organs.

In Catalonia, to facilitate the access of doctors to this personal information, the advanced healthcare directive can be registered in the Department of Health’s Register for Advanced Healthcare Directives. By registering the document, it is included in medical history shared with patients. This information can also be accessed by authorised professionals elsewhere in Spain.

Carlos Prieto Cid – Lawyer

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The red tape involved in letting a holiday home in Catalonia

Renting out a coastal property to holidaymakers in summer has become quite complicated, although most foreigners are unaware of the many obligations involved.

In recent years, the Catalan regulations on letting tourist accommodation has become particularly strict. The main political reason for this toughening up of the legislation is a cracking down on tax evasion as many letters of holiday accommodation do not declare their rental earnings in Spain (which is required by law, regardless of whether the owner of the property is a resident in Spain for tax purposes).

However, there is an even more compelling reason for the Catalan government to want to control access to the holiday accommodation market. On the coast and in the old parts of the larger cities, particularly Barcelona, tourist flats have become a social problem, owing to the not always civil behaviour of the holidaymakers (who change from week to week), and also an economic problem, owing to the unfair competition such accommodation represents to the hotel sector.

Before you can let your property to tourists, you must register it in the local council’s register of tourist accommodation. Not doing so makes you liable for some very stiff fines (even for just advertising the accommodation online without anyone actually coming to stay). To be listed in the register, you need to certify that the dwelling complies with certain conditions of habitability and energy efficiency. You also need to register the property with the tax authorities so the corresponding tourist tax (paid per night by each tourist) and income tax can be collected.

Registering a property as tourist accommodation can result in unexpected complications (which may even make it impossible to let the property). If you have a flat or house you want to let to tourists, we offer services to assist you in registering the property with the local council, drafting the letting agreements and ensuring compliance with all the official and tax obligations for total peace of mind.

Carlos Prieto Cid – Lawyer

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New Comprehensive Advisory Service for Property Owners

Owning a real estate property is a big responsibility. To protect your rights as an owner, your property must meet all current legal and technical requirements. To give you the peace of mind that your real estate property does meet these requirements and is fully protected legally — both now and in the event of any change in the law — Tarraco Iuris law firm would like to offer you its comprehensive advisory service for property owners.

Based in Tarragona, our specialist team of lawyers and technical experts are ready to handle all your properly-related legal and administrative needs, including the handling of any mediation process and other procedures and the drafting and lodging of documents for the Spanish authorities (local councils, provincial and regional governments, the cadastral register, the Land Registry, notaries public, the courts, etc.) or any third parties (adjoining property owners, neighbour associations, the community of owners, entities involved in expropriation processes, etc.).

To legally protect your property in Spain, we offer a complete range of technical and legal services that includes:

1. Helping you obtain a NIE (foreigner ID number required for tax purposes in Spain)
2. Drafting all property-related contracts, including preliminary, option-to-buy, purchase and sale, and lease agreements
3. Verifying property charges with the Land Registry
4. Verifying property zoning with the local council
5. Verifying any debts owed by the seller to the Community of Owners
6. Verifying that all tax due on a property has been paid (municipal property tax, tax on income from real estate property, etc.) and drafting and presenting any corresponding tax declarations
7. Providing an estimate of taxes and expenses so you can budget for the cost of transferring a real estate property
8. Verifying the applicable marital or inheritance law and advising you on the legal conditions for purchasing or transferring a property
9. Drafting title deeds for executing property transactions
10. Accompanying you to sign title deeds and any other notarial instruments, acting as advisers and/or translators
11. Assisting your negotiations with the bank for using the property as loan security
12. Registering title deeds with the Land Registry
13. Informing the local council of a change of ownership for the purposes of local taxes and fees
14. For sales by non-residents, preparing and presenting declarations on tax withheld for Spanish income tax and handling the collection of any refund
15. Preparing/lodging applications for:

a. Certificate of occupancy and energy efficiency certificate
b. Building technical assessment report
c. Certificate of structural soundness and certification of construction age

16. Plans and topographical surveys
17. Undertaking boundary demarcation and mediating in conflicts with neighbours
18. Undertaking historical investigations on properties and updating the cadastral record for divided or joined plots
19. Advising you on:

a. Utility connection and the possible use of wells and springs
b. New construction, reform or landscaping projects
c. Business projects
d. Road and path refurbishment
e. Land and building assessment

Are you sure your property is fully protected legally?

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Please contact us for any service you require that is not listed

Tarraco Iuris global management

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The time has come to buy again real estate in Spain

After several years of continued declines in prices and sales volume, statistics finally start reporting positive results. Very small, but that break the downtrend. The international situation could perhaps encourage investment decisions in real estate in Spain.

A significant reduction in the number of Russian tourists is expected this year on the Spanish coast. The reasons for that are instability due to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine and especially the collapse of the ruble. But also the euro is undergoing a gradual devaluation, and it seems that this trend will continue in the future. However this news, apparently negative, may have another reading: every time it came to the devaluation of a currency, conscious citizens sought to invest their savings in goods, a kind of “safe haven”, and throughout history, the most common safe haven for money savings has always been investing in real estate.

In addition, the mentality of the Spaniards in this area is rather conservative and therefore the opinion prevails that every ordinary citizen should be owner of his living room in his life. This approach has a significant impact on the real estate market, as this has always led to a higher demand than expected at every economic stage. And, moreover, hundreds of thousands of foreigners dream of a quiet retirement or at the Spanish coast or a summer residence to come to it every year, and they do not hesitate to purchase a property where safely enjoy Spain in their own home. All of these factors bring us back to the beginning: it has always been assumed that investing in real estate in Spain is a reliable investment.

Despite the severe crisis of recent years, we must not forget that real estate has always been the best and safest way to invest our savings in Spain. And just because of the crisis, prices at back at a rational level and , according to the monthly statistics, gradually begin to rise.

Carlos Prieto Cid – Lawyer

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Holiday homes: Practical problems through urban bureaucracy

Everyone agrees that one of the main problems of Spain is the bureaucracy. In 2012 we reported expectantly on the regulation of the market of holiday rentals in Catalonia ( but we were already afraid of the risks caused by the proposed intervention of the municipalities.

Unfortunately, our worst predictions have now come true, as expected. Bored officials of municipalities have begun to abuse their statutorily granted powers of control, not only to charge fees that increase the cost of renting holiday villas and appartments, but also and even worse to block rentals with unnecessary  requirements which have nothing to do with the legally foreseen inspections.

According to the Decree 159/2012 of 20 November on vacation rentals and holiday homes, the holiday home rental of individuals should be encouraged through quality controls. The communities were empowered to establish a register of these accommodations and the only formal and statutory requirement to register a property in such a register was, logically, to certify its habitability in the moment when the owner wanted to offer the apartment or the house for renting.

The city officials have tried to exploit the information obtained from these communications relating to the rental activity, to examine the urban situation of the holiday homes, and now begin to threaten with penalties for possible violations of urban development. Although these violations probably existed for years without the officers had endeavored to do something about it and they have nothing to do with the activities of tourists, which the law was intended to normalize. Once again, the behavior of officials is actually stimulating the shadow economy, as has always happened in this country: they are active only when the work is easy because all the information is already on their table, but are unlikely to pursue infringement on their own initiative.

Carlos Prieto Cid – Lawyer

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More detailed information about the new Spanish law on the coasts

Last month we discussed about the main features of the new Spanish Coastal Law and its impact on the environment and the legal status of real estate close to the sea. This month we continue our analysis of the issues related to the details of this Directive.

Restrictions of the right of ownership in the case of real estate land adjacent to the public domain or being a part of it: regarding the use of beaches, it is decided that future regulations of the government should establish a different legal regime for the urban beaches (adjacent to an urbanization), and for areas of natural beach (adjacent to protected areas or rural areas). For the natural beaches applies a high level of protection, limiting any activity. It is important to maintain in a natural state the beaches located far away from urban centers and, on the other hand, to keep the city beaches accessible to the public.

Owners of real estate that legally occupies land in the area of ​​special protection (subjected to the legal servitude or easement) will be allowed to carry out works to improve, modernize and strengthen the real estate, but only if they are not associated with an increase in height, volume or area of ​​the building. This is not new, but now the permission of the regional administration is replaced by a responsible statement, which should include evidence that these buildings meet the legal requirements of energy efficiency and water savings. This is to avoid the license of regional autonomous powers being juxtaposed to municipal licenses. In any case, the Spanish government may suspend the administrative acts and agreements adopted by local governments affecting the integrity of public coastal protected area or its easement. The law introduces a fast and effective precautionary measure to prevent the execution of illegal activities, despite the fact that within ten days, the local decision must be challenged by the State in the courts of administrative disputes.

Changes in the regulation of concessions and permits related to coastal public property: The prorogation or extension of existing concessions is subject to an economic report, which is to determine the impact that the use of the area has on the environment. Thus, the duration will depend on the concession environmental sustainability.
The law also changes the maximum term of public concessions to 75 years and also allows to transfer and to sale them. In the case of transfer through inheritance, the period given to the heirs so that they can declare that they agree with the subrogation of the rights of the concession is increased from one year to four years. This prevents the risk of losing the property of the concession if the decision is not taken in a short term of up to one year, given the difficulties that may be especially faced by foreigners. In the case of transfer of rights between living persons, the validity period shall require the prior approval of the Administration.

Carlos Prieto Cid – Lawyer

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Impact of the new Spanish Coastal Law in existing buildings and coastal preservation

The last revision to Coastal Law pretends to achieve an economic use of the coasts sustainable over time and respectful with the environmental protection. The changes introduced give more legal certainty and clarity and solve some short-term problems created by the previous legislation, but in practice, they reduce the chances of preserving the coastal strip.

The Coastal Law was adopted in 1988 and assumed significant changes in relation to the former regime. Nevertheless, the legislator was very cautious and therefore decided that the legal changes should not immediately entry into force but be delayed over the time. This has led to a conflicting application of the rule and even to its retreat: the law of 1988 failed to defeat the established social realities and that is actually why the government decided that it should be corrected. On the other hand, this law of 1988 created significant legal uncertainty that caused the resolution of the European Parliament in 2009, asking the Spanish authorities to “urgently review and, if necessary, modify the action of the Coastal Act to protect the legal rights of dwelling property owners and those who own small plots in the coastal areas, which do not adversely impact on the coastal environment … “.

Let’s analyze the key amendments of the reform:

1 – Clarification and specification of the concept of marine and coastal public property and improvement of the procedure of demarcation of boundaries:

The littoral is legally defined as the strip where the sea meets the land. The Spanish Constitution establishes that the littoral (including the coastal zone, the territorial sea and the beaches) will always be in any case public domain. Thus, it is important to recognize how far this common property extends, especially when we consider that the Spanish coast is the most densely populated area in the country and it concentrates the most strategic economic activities of the nation, such as tourism and fishing.

The law states that the coastal protection zone will be the land strip within reach of the biggest waves recorded during strong storms. This recording depends on technical criteria that should be created to give more confidence, reliability and stability at the borders.

The main innovation introduced in relation to the protected coastal zone is to reduce the width of the legal easement from one hundred to twenty meters, but only in settlements which were not classified in 1988 as an urban area although they had the characteristics of such. This reduction also applies exceptionally   in the upper shores of the rivers, sensitive to the ebb and flow, in order to avoid that at sites far away from the river mouth, this easement of100 metershas to be respected.

Carlos Prieto Cid – Lawyer

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